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We are a one-stop-shop for video production for business, covering all three stages of pre-production, production and post production, including online delivery and e-Learning packaging.

The knowledge we have gained from our feature film work directly feeds into our filming for business, helping us create projects that connect you with your audience.

We come together as a team that’s right for your project, keeping overheads to a minimum and combining the right skills to best create your film project within your budget.

We can work with you during the planning stages of your project, helping with the script, the casting and any location scouting. We can arrange presenter training if you are new to taking directly down the lens of a camera or reading from an autocue.

We cover all aspects of the filming process, from kit and crew for both studio and location shooting, to extras and actors if you need them.

And we edit, working securely online so you are fully involved with the process. We colour grade, sound record and mix, and can sort out any animation and graphics needed, and can supply composers and musicians if you need an original score.

We then encode your film for online use, creating the subtitle files, before uploading to wherever you are hosting your videos.

We can also work with you on delivering an e-Learning programme, packaging your videos, and repurposing existing video material, to develop engaging lesson plans.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]


FBH Films started life as part of the Fat Beehive web agency, making video content for many of their web clients including CRISIS and CAFEDIRECT.

FBH Films logoFat Beehive logo

In 2009 Matt Taylor set up FBH Films Ltd as a separate company, with Tom Moreton continuing to successfully run Fat Beehive Ltd, which is still going strong in Shoreditch.

FBH Films continued working for business and also branched out into the world of narrative filmmaking and produced it’s first full length feature film THE WAREHOUSE in 2013.

The film screened at a couple of international film festivals picking up a best direct award and was bought by London Live TV channel, screening in 2016. The film is now being distributed on Vimeo On Demand.

We are now working on a number of projects including a psychological horror feature, a comedy series and an eco thriller.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]